Hola sobat Stevv Game kenalin gw Kucing Pengganguran kesempatan kali ini gw akan membagikan suatu software besutan dari Adobe yaitu Adobe Ilustrator 2020 untuk design sebuah gambar entah berformat bmp atau vektor dan juga software ini cukup bagus untuk seorang desain grafis professional dan juga User Interface yang mudah dipahami.
Fitur Adobe Ilustrator 2020
- Set your toolbar by add or remove tools
- Change artboards into slides so you can simply project and share
- Quickly build rich color blends
- Save time by transforming repeating text across multiple projects all at once
- Efficiency of integration with other Creative Cloud apps
- Improved user experience for simplifying complex paths
- Improved performance when touching some effects on images
- Optimized network file handling
- Heightened file read mechanism to troubleshoot file issues
- More high-grade stability performance
- Design a logo that gets your mark with Adobe Illustrator
- You can manipulate and combine geometric shapes with precision
- Make your colors design stay true by using Pantone or CMYK
- Try more than 16,000 fonts with Adobe Font Integrations
- Get to experiment with tints and shades
- Scale your custom lettering to any size
- Change your lettering more beautiful with adjustable brush settings
Nama Software: Adobe Ilustrator 2020
Publisher : Adobe
Developer : Adobe
Kategori : Software Editing
Ukuran File : 1,3 GB
Minimum Spesifikasi / Minimum Requirement
Os: Windows 10 64 bit versi terbaru
Processor: Intel Pentium Multi core
Memori Ram: 4 GB
Penyimpanan: 3 GB
Sebelum Install Perhatikan Ini !!
- Pastikan telah mematikan antivirus windows defender atau anti virus pihak ketiga contoh nya Avast dan Matikan Internet
- Bagi yang belum Install DirectX & Vredist silakan install terlebih dahulu,jika ingin mencari sepaket silakan download disini
- Jika sudah terinstall silakan blokir software ini dengan windows firewall
- Software ini preactive ga perlu pake patch / timpa crack
- Jika memiliki error saat menginstall (silakan mengupdate windowsmu atau menghapus creative cloud / ilustrator versi lama)
Google Drive | KuronekoFiles | DooDrive | AnonFiles | Mirror
Info Password :
Jika format nama .rar / installer .exe seperti diatas bisa dipastikan berpassword : stevvgame.blogspot.com
Kalau format nama .rar / installer .exe nya Stevv Game - P0st4l 2.exe // Stevv Game - Postal 2 .rar tidak berpassword
Kalau format nama .rar / installer .exe nya Stevv Game - P0st4l 2.exe // Stevv Game - Postal 2 .rar tidak berpassword
Cara download game / software di stevv game : Tutorial Download Software dan Game Pak tani
Tutorial mp4
Tutorial Install:
Tutorial mp4
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